We are given 1440 minutes each day, but many fail to appreciate its significance. Without effort, we can become careless with our time, leading to short-term success but long-term troubles.
Time is unique in that it cannot be stopped, controlled, saved, or bought. Its purpose is to be spent and lent, based on the priorities we set for ourselves each day. Time can fly by or drag on, but it always moves forward.
Improve our character, our lives, and help us accomplish our dreams. Be diligent and precise in how we use our time, committing to being bold, courageous, and dedicated to our goals. Today, let us focus on being better, rather than perfect.
When we ask people what they would do with a million dollars, they often list material goods and fulfilled dreams. However, if we ask what they would do with a million minutes, we may hear silence. This is why 14Forty recognizes the intrinsic value of time and its complexity. Only when we value our own 1440 minutes can we truly value another’s.